
Business Trends During Valentines Day

  • Feb 08, 2020
  • By Miles Malferrari


Valentine’s Day is that time of the month when people get to celebrate love in a widely recognized holiday around the world. As an entrepreneur, you’d probably capitalize on this the same way you would for Christmas and just slap love, couples, and hearts everywhere. But it’s worth noting that Valentines Day has been changing over the years, and what’s trending then doesn’t necessarily translate the same way now. Nowadays, even single people and friends celebrate the holiday and make up their own market niche. So how about we help you round up some of the hottest trends for Valentines Day in 2020:


The Personal Experience Look

Nothing says intimacy like a personalized look in the gifts you give. Emphasis on minute details and artisanal effects are likelier to sell as “personalized” gifts typically dominate on Valentines. Other visual cues to look out for include the use of natural materials, “worn” or weathered textures, and matt finishes.

A Touch of the Supernatural

Another approach would be tarot cards and ouija boards as they are still pretty hip and that trend translates into product-based sales on Valentines Day. Adding symbols or signs from astrology, or celestial patterns can contribute to the mystic look to capture this market, but you can complete the look with crystals, a metallic finish and smokey glass surfaces.



Yes, as you would typically expect, couples are a target market for Valentine’s Day. So go stock up on the usual tried and tested stuff like couple paraphernalia, discounts or promos. It’s also a good idea to make attempts at being more inclusive with your marketing strategies as this can really help reach out further with your sales. However, it’s worth noting that they only make up about half of the entire VD consumer pool.

Everyone Else

It’s a good idea not to alienate the people who don’t have significant others. There are recent trends of people who identify as “self-partnered” or prefer to celebrate with a group of friends and family making up the other half of the market, so make sure your marketing doesn’t put them off.

The Gift-giving Sex

Apparently, men are likelier to buy or plan on giving gifts than women. So, try putting yourself in a guy’s shoes and think of how you would plan things out for your female partner. With the recent strides in expanding the gender spectrum and acceptance of sexual identity, it might be worth exploring the more niche perspectives when it comes to gifting, as role assignments continue to blur and become more inclusive.



Candy’s been a staple in Valentine’s but it was the most popular category when it came to choice.


Jewelry came in last in terms of likeliest choice for gifting, but somehow managed to generate the most revenue!

Other Trends

Buying Patterns

It’s been found that consumers have learned their lessons and made the smarter decision to start on their Valentine’s shopping early, (by about two weeks!) and avoid the price spikes on the more popular items for Valentine’s Day. Best work on your promotions as early as you can to beat the rest to the punch!

And there you have it, some Valentine’s Day trends to get you going and make those key sales. Best of luck and don’t forget to spread the love in the air!

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