
Accessing Affordable Worker Benefits And Healthcare For Gig Workers

  • Jun 16, 2021
  • By ALLCARE Team


With a lot of under-appreciated sectors in the country, this means a lot of people are getting zero to no healthcare and benefits. But in times like these, the freelancers, the VAs, and the people in the gig industry are the ones severely affected by having nothing to back them up. In an attempt to bridge the gap in benefits and healthcare for all people and not just the corporate employees, ALLCARE was born.

Recently, ALLCARE CEO and Co-founder Cindy Burdette, guested on the Outsource Accelerator Podcast with Derek Gallimore to discuss ALLCARE’s humble beginnings, its mission, and what’s in store not just for the company, but for everyone.

To start, Cindy shared a quick background as to what ALLCARE is. ALLCARE started out as part of Storm Technologies, a startup business catering to bigger companies in repurposing underutilized benefits into marketplace credits that their employees can use. Since Storm’s current business model doesn’t really fit the market and upon further research, ALLCARE was born. “ALLCARE really exists to serve those that are not formally employed or at least don’t fall within the category of desirable clients from [a] provider standpoint. These are typically informal employees [like the] gig workers, the VAs, the freelancers. But at the same time, micro and small enterprises and organizations”. And as the gig, freelance, and SME communities continue to grow, having someone to back them up has become a true necessity.

After the company’s inception, the number of its members grew exponentially. But just like other businesses, when the pandemic hit, it brought hardships to the company. However, the pandemic also brought unexpected blessings to the company with more people realizing the importance of having proper benefits even though they are not in the “formally employed” sector.

Photo Source: The Outsource Accelerator

Cindy has shared more insights and stories on how the small company that she co-started grew to be an award-winning business helping thousands of people get the benefits they deserve. Listen to the whole podcast episode here.

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