
Get Fit After the Holidays

  • Jan 16, 2020
  • By Miles Malferrari


Feeling like the Christmas ham you ate during the holidays? Psyching yourself up to muster the resolve to finally get on a fitness routine? One of the more common thoughts in the holiday season is on starting the new year with a resolution to live healthier. And your tita’s lechon definitely helped with the thing you want to work on. So let’s talk about some of the ways to get fit after the holidays to make your new year’s resolution a reality.

  1. Re-Aligning Your Mindset for a Healthy Lifestyle

You may start out thinking “I’ll go do Diet A and get back to my usual eating habits after I hit my target weight.” or “I’ll only gym until I get a six-pack”. And that’s your first mistake. Goal-setting is all well and good, but to have a truly healthy lifestyle, you need to change your mindset on fitness to “change in lifestyle”. This will ensure that whatever changes you make will have lasting effects. This is a hard choice to make and may need a lot of sacrifices, but it can also be the most rewarding.

  1. Fixing Unhealthy Habits

We all know that vices like smoking and heavy drinking, and habits like staying up too late are unhealthy. That said, getting fit after the holidays would be easier if you ease up on these things too, since they can get in the way of your progress. Sleep is supposed to give your body time to repair and enjoy the effects of working out. Smoking makes you short on breath and drinking makes you more dehydrated, which directly affect how well you can do your work out routines. This is a challenge by itself, but well worth the effort. And what better time to start than the holiday high?

  1. Healthy Diet Regimen

There is a misconception that going on a diet is something you have to do once to lose weight. But the fact is that stopping you diet once you’ve achieved your target weight won’t help you maintain the weight you’ve worked so hard to do. So the first trick is to look for one that works for you and seems realistically achievable as a long term commitment. As always, nothing beats sticking to balanced meals and avoiding junk food. And it pays to look up what you’re eating on the internet as some foods aren’t as nutritious as they may seem.

  1. Regular Exercise

Just like dieting, exercise isn’t a one-off thing. However, just like dieting, you can go about it in many ways and make it work for you, and it depends on the way your day-to-day already goes. Even if you work in an office job, don’t discount the walks you do on the way to and from work. But if you want to get serious and prioritize physical fitness, you can always go to Gold’s Gym or any other gym. Unlike working out at home, having access to a wide array of equipment and trained professional fitness coaches to guide you to how you want to improve yourself can work wonders and make the process of reaching your goal more efficient.

Getting fit after the holidays can sound like a chore, but there is no better time than now with a new decade. Needless to say, always check in with a doctor for any pain and symptoms you might be feeling. Get yourself covered with an ALLCARE membership for health coverage and lifestyle perks for a worry-free year. Become a member today!

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