
Side Hustles for Valentine’s Day

  • Feb 06, 2020
  • By Miles Malferrari


Valentine’s Day is hard to screw up, easy to understand, and awesome for business. In fact, it’s so good for entrepreneurs that it’s a great way to score big if you know how to capitalize on it. And the best part is it’s just something you can do on the side when you have some time to spare. Here are some ideas you can go with:

Valentine’s Day Cards

Greeting cards may seem pretty old but they’re a classic go-to for the day of hearts. With online greetings becoming more commonplace, the “personalized” effect of handmade Valentine’s Day cards has only gone up especially when used for sentimental or humorous effects. If you’re particularly good at arts and crafts and have wit to spare, these things can sell like pancakes.

Delivery Services

With such a premium for that personal experience, even third party delivery services will be booked to the max. Go knocking on the doors of flower shops, gift shops, and other Valentine’s Day heavy shops and you’ve got a good chance of scoring a little slice of VD business. If that doesn’t work for you, try putting out your services on social media like FB Marketplace as desperate time-deprived Romeos and Juliets might be looking for someone to ferry their bundles of love from point A to B when Grab and Angkas aren’t available.

Valentine’s Day Planner

Planning the perfect Valentine’s Day for your S.O. can be tough sometimes especially when it’s 2 weeks to the day. And let’s face it, you can’t even decide on where to eat dinner with both of you brainstorming for half an hour. Being a third party VD Planner for the perfect surprise, fancy dining experience or general day out is a viable service that doesn’t take up all your time and could even be done from the comfort of your bed while you make the necessary arrangements for your would-be couple.

Noontime Nanny

Okay so it doesn’t have to be just lunchtime but you get what we mean. Even with the perfect experience planned out, some people just don’t have the spare tito or willing grandma to look after their kids (or furballs) while they have the time of their lives. Enter you, the willing guardian for outsourced stewardship. You could even factor in your transportation and food into your pay to make the experience more worthwhile.

Convenient Photographer

If you have an eye for photography, know the good spots for sunsets or overlooks, and have access to really nice photography gear, you have the means for an easy cash grab! Better yet, if you have fancy instant cameras like Polaroids, you can give them that “personal” souvenir to commemorate their day with that really nice retro look (which we hear is hot right these days).

And that’s our list for quick and easy side hustles you could do during Valentines Day. There are so many other things you could do like play music at parties, serenade people, sell off old jewelry and so on. Just remember that if you have the time to spare, it’s always a great idea to make the most of it.

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