
12 Days of Christmas for The Freelancer

  • Dec 13, 2019
  • By Miles Malferrari


Contrary to popular belief, freelancing can actually be a lucrative way of earning money for yourself and the people dependent on you. Although most don’t normally associate “financial security” with freelancing- in reality, freelancers can bring even greater stability and contributions to the greater community in the long run. Here are 12 reasons why being a freelancer is way better than that desk job. Just in time for Christmas.

  1. Dynamism

Being completely dynamic means you can try one thing today and another idea tomorrow. You can change your strategy just like that. 

  1. No more office politics

Say goodbye to drama in the office or jealousy over who got a promotion. From the day you start working for yourself, you can say goodbye to office politics forever.

  1. Lower costs

Not having to commute means you can save all your hard-earned money on other more important things like new equipment or food.

  1. Free time

That doesn’t mean however that you have more free time now compared to before, it just means that you have more freedom to choose how you spend your time. No need to go to any mandatory (albeit useless) meetings.

  1. No dress code

Working from home means you can just work from your PJs in your most comfortable chair and desk. Now that’s a work environment we can all get behind.

  1. Spontaneous vacations

Granting you have the cash for it, you can go on spontaneous vacations whenever possible, just bring your work with you and you can earn while getting the perfect tan down by the beach.

  1. You can choose what to work on and who to work with

Being the sole owner, boss, manager, and employee means you can choose your projects and your clients. Unlike working at a desk job where you get shoved whatever client who may or may not be a hassle to work with.

  1. Never do unpaid overtime again

You get what you worked for. Literally. The hours you spend can be charged to the client in full. No need to extend working hours unpaid just to get something done.

  1. Learn on the job

Becoming a freelancer gives you first-hand experience of what it’s like to run your own business.

  1. Create more satisfying work

Work is always more satisfying when you can see where it all goes to. Especially if you see your own work being put to use by companies and clients big or small.

  1. You can take a break during the holidays

Never miss a Christmas or New Year’s with family. You can always choose your schedules and let clients know you’ll be on holiday break.

  1. Finally, you have the chance to earn more

Unlike in a corporate job, there’s no ceiling for how much money you can make.

We hope these 12 reasons can convince you to take the leap this year. After all, 2020 is the year where we expect big changes and improvements for the better. Onwards and upwards!

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