
Wuhan Coronavirus Reaches PH - Here’s What You Need To Know

  • Jan 23, 2020
  • By Miles Malferrari


An Overview

There was an outbreak in Wuhan, China during the Christmas season of last year and it has been confirmed to be a new type of coronavirus that can be spread by animals and humans. It is said to have originated from a wet market in Wuhan. So far, the virus has been contained and monitored by countries with inbound travelers from Wuhan City and has been quarantined with several protections to prevent further spread.

Source: CNN Philippines

Symptoms usually involve general feeling of sickness targeting your respiratory system. Typically, it’s a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness that can feel like the common cold. More serious cases involve a lower respiratory tract illness similar to pneumonia or bronchitis and can affect people with a weaker immune system, as is the case for the young and elderly. Other symptoms are similar to the common cold: runny nose, sore throat, cough, headaches, and a fever that can last for a few days.

For comparison and reference, the Wuhan Coronavirus is said to be milder than SARS and MERS but takes longer to develop symptoms. The mortality rate as of yet seems to be 3 out of every 100, unlike the 9 out of 100 for SARS, but it is important to note that these are early reports and it would be better to remain vigilant and follow our tips for how to stay safe.

Stay Safe and Help Prevent Spread

  • Observe proper hygiene and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

  • Maintain an effort to clean and disinfect objects or surfaces you touch, cough, or sneeze on

  • Avoid being near sick people

  • Avoid crowded places

  • Wear surgical masks to prevent spreading the virus and avoid breathing it in. If without mask, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or cloth when sneezing or coughing.

  • Avoid travel to China and other neighboring or affected countries, and be mindful of the status of their efforts in measures taken to block and maintain transparency in containing the virus

  • Avoid wet markets and live poultry farms or markets

  • Mind the food you eat and make sure it has been properly and hygienically cooked as raw and unwashed meat has a higher chance of carrying the virus

  • Be especially vigilant if you are pregnant

As a vaccine has not yet been successfully created to combat the Wuhan Coronavirus, it is important to stick to our tips and keep yourself up to date with the news regarding this 2020 threat. Every day you keep yourself safe is another day you help the collective effort to prevent the spread of the virus.

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